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Michelle Holliday |
What is our guiding story in these times? And is it true?
As an author, speaker, business consultant and community-building practitioner, Michelle Holliday invites and offers an alternative view.
An early and outwardly successful career in the corporate world — including work in New York as a marketer for Fortune 500 corporations — left her disenchanted and searching for purpose and meaning,
She studied both biology, and organizational thriving. And she came to see that they share a series of deep patterns, common to living systems, that are at the core of her current practice.
Michelle teaches and consults with businesses about thrivability. As a systems thinker, who puts life at the centre of her thinking, she has been called “a scribe of an emerging era” who “writes with extraordinary love and clarity.”
In the fall of 2016, she published her book, The Age of Thrivability. And from June 7-9, she is co-chairing a key conference of the new economy movement, Local Sustainable Economies, in Boston with sustainable economy pioneer Laury Hammel.
On June 2, Michelle was a guest for the recording of Episode 2 of The Next Conversation, a new pilot podcast of interviews with pioneers, pathfinders and prophets of social evolution.
Listen to the conversation above, or click here.