Journalism Archive

Generative Journalism brings us together where we work

Humans are not isolated beings. We are somewhere, in a place. We make choices about where to live and those choices bring about a set of conditions that change and shape us, says Kessels and Smit human geographer and organizational journalist, Marijke Boessenkool.

Story by story we thicken the rope: Mara Spruyt

The conversations we have, the stories we collect, one by one, thicken the rope we walk on into the future, says Mara Spruyt, organizational journalist with Kessels and Smit.

Organizational development consultant party to coining a new term: GOJO

It is people who make an organization. It is people who start initiatives inside their organizations. They should have a podium to give their stories back into the whole organization so other people can connect to those stories and grow together, says Derk van der Pol, and organizational journalist with Kessels and Smit.

Magazine hosts citizen gatherings, features ‘future’ news, proposes Citizens’ Manifesto, crowd-funds

On August 11, the Peterborough, Ont.-based arts and culture publication, Electric City Magazine, hosted its fourth monthly All Citizens Meeting. During the first gathering, which took place in spring, the magazine invited candidates for the Oct. 22 municipal Council election to act as keynote listeners. The 45 or so people who came were invited to connect with one another and to share what was important to them. Participants also created a rendering of what they would like to read in the May 2021 edition of the magazine.

NewScoop YYC team members drawn by opportunity to step into their gifts, co-create a new story for their city

Hope and possibility is stirring in Calgary as a Generative Journalism co-op called NewScoop YYC draws an array of new talent sensing a life-giving space in which to step into their gifts and animate a new story for their city and society.

‘Our goal is to discover someone’s story. Our goal is not to fix anybody.’

A circle of local citizens who are also aspiring media makers ended up in a deep exploration of the concept of Generative Journalism with Peter Pula at the Axiom News studio in Peterborough.

This is an edited and condensed version of a portion of the dialogue with one of the citizen journalists, active community leader Bill Templeman.

We begin with Peter’s answer to a question that had been posed to start the conversation: “How do you connect with and express the story within your soul?”

New faces mingling at New Scoop gatherings with Peter Pula this week

Energy is up around Calgary’s Generative Journalism news co-op, New Scoop YYC, this week as new and familiar faces mingle at several gatherings with Peter Pula, founder and CEO of Axiom News.

Simone Lee, who has taken on the role of events co-ordinator with New Scoop, is one of those anticipating the events, which begin tonight.

Simone is excited about the opportunities these gathering make possible for those who’ve already joined New Scoop.

4 places that are experimenting with new practices around community-building and community-engaged journalism

It’s exciting to see fresh practices and intentions around what it means to share stories as a community rising up in several places.

Below, we list four emerging initiatives, all representing a step into this ambiguous space that might best be called community-building and community-engaged journalism.

Community News Commons a path to creating more compassionate responses to our complex world: Noah Erenberg

The broader community is at a crossroads of change; change in how we communicate, how we tell stories, how we gather, and most of all, how we include everyone in our community in this effort. So what’s a promising response to this crossroads?

“They told us it made them stronger:” documentary producer The Gazette Company CEO and president Chuck Peters

A just-released video documentary of the transformation of a once-failing U.K. primary school offers hope not only for our education communities, but also for the way we create the story of any community we care about.