Periscope, now named since the original app, Meerkat, was purchased by Twitter; is a new app blasting out of the social media scene. Periscope allows anyone to live-stream from his or her phones to Twitter. The resulting video feed can be saved to phones or websites. Viewers can respond with comments or questions as the live feed is happening — as well as indicate with floating hearts their approval and applause for the content.
New Scoop anticipates that this will be a lively and creative asset for Generative Journalism in Calgary. Periscoping will allow us to live-stream the interviews we do for our digital stories. As we are able to attend events or hang out with people or organizations of interest, we can live-stream that to our New Scoop subscribers and Twitter followers.
For example, if New Scoop was to do an interview with the mayor about why New Scoop is a perfect fit for his passion around citizen engagement and proactive communities (a story we would really like to do), we would post the time of the periscoping expedition so that fans and followers can tune in.
Generative Journalism, by the nature of its “curious questions and affirming, next-steps” stance, creates between the interviewer and the story champion(s) a synergy of recognition, reflection, good will and possibility. What is not fabulous about sharing these transformative conversations, live, with an audience of kindred spirits who can also contribute their positive energy, support and suggestions?
New Scoop wants to work with members and subscribers to explore how we can use this new tool to enable the energy of citizens, communities and local businesses to make Calgary even better.
Click here to read more about Periscope.
A version of this blog was originally written for the New Scoop Calgary news co-op. This repost, for which we received permission, follows the style guidelines of the original post.