Yvonne Hollandy behind the scenes with Peter Pula during a recent generative interview.
Curator’s Note: Axiom News is on a journey of becoming clearer on the unique space it’s meant to hold in the world now. In this blog, team member Yvonne Hollandy reflects on the possibilities she sees and is excited about for the future.
The story is changing out there. The world is experiencing transitions in economics, in communities, in the way people gather and in the way they are citizens in their communities. To be a part of uncovering some of those movements and bringing them to light is really exciting — to continually search for the gifts and assets that are out there. There’s no shortage, as it turns out.
It’s really exciting to think about stepping into that wholly and meeting other people that want to do the same thing. People who really want to be together in a new way, create in a new way, tell the new stories.
Being seen and seeing someone else on a visceral human level can spark change, and all it takes is a spark to start something bigger. | |
I believe we at Axiom News can be a place and a space that people go to or look towards to seek out the new story unfolding in the world, in communities, in individual lives. Being seen and seeing someone else on a visceral human level can spark change, and all it takes is a spark to start something bigger. If any conversation that we may have, story we may write, or illustration we create or video we produce sparks something unique in another individual, I believe that can begin major transformation.
The Gifts We Bring
Hosting the Peterborough Dialogues (a dialogue and narration community initiative of Axiom News) here in our community has been life-changing for so many participants. I’ve seen people quit their jobs, come out of their shells. After a lifetime of community service and work, I’ve heard people say they’ve actually come to find their tribe. And there’s a need for it, for individuals to come out of isolation, to connect. We’ve heard lots of thanks here for opening the doors and holding that space.
I’ve heard people say that being interviewed in the generative way has changed how they think about things, brought them into their dreams, made them realize dreams they perhaps didn’t even know they had. People are beginning to say and do things that they weren’t aware they had the strength to do. It’s pretty special to be a part of that. I’ve seen my colleagues hold such a sacred space that you can see souls shift.
If that doesn’t give you a reason to get up in the morning, what would? I really feel like I’m part of a difference in the world. It’s good work.
The Gifts We Anticipate Receiving
The best thing that could happen moving forward is people connect with us from all over the world, and become inspired by what we do and want to share in it, which will allow us to thrive in this work. I’d like to see Generative Journalism and a new type of narrative be born in communities globally. We don’t have to listen to the dominant narrative. There are other stories to be told. And the best thing that could happen would be more and more individuals and communities honouring their sacred stories, and telling them. It would be a gift to be a part of that.
The Colour of This New Work
If I had to choose a color for this work, this space, it would be purple. I love purple because it has both elements of the color spectrum in it. It can be cool and warm at the same time. I’ve always found purple comforting, life-giving. But there’s a spark in it, too. There’s red in there. There’s a calming blue. There are all these other things. It’s got it all.
Watch for more soon.
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